Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Going outside yesterday morning to warm up the van, it was cold, really cold! As soon as I went out the front door I saw the frost on the windows of the van and thought, "Hmmmm, I'm so glad I'm doing this!" Did I mention that I hate to scrape windows in the early morning? (or anytime) Well, imagine my delight when I opened the door and saw this view through the passenger windows!

The sun was just beginning to peek over the neighborhood houses, and the sky was that gorgeous mix of pastel shades. This kind of sky has been etched in my memories from childhood, when my brother and I would wait for the bus at the end of our loooonnngggg lane. Beautiful!

Anyway, as soon as I saw the light shining through the frost, I just knew I had to get a picture of it. I ran back to the house, grabbed the camera, went back out in the cold, and started shooting. Got back in the house, then remembered the reason I went out to the frozen tundra, that is my driveway, in the first place was to start the van. . . . oops! Back out in the cold to get the job done.

It was so worth getting a little frostbite to get these images. I see God in them.

1 comment:

  1. Those are all beautiful, I mean BEAUTIFUL! I can't believe I talk to you almost every single day and you have kept these a secret. My favorite is the first one, but all three are fantastic. Am I going to have to start reading all your blogs just to know what you are up to?!



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